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Our Juniors News ...




Do you have what it takes to become a qualified squash coach - if so, your Club needs you!


If any Club member has an interest in committing to become a qualified coach, the Squash Club may be able to assist with necessary fees and mentoring.

If you would like to know more, please contact either Mark Davies or Jim Tunley to chat through how you could become involved.


July 2024

Summer of Squash 2024


For six weeks over the Schools summer holidays, the Club is pleased to be part of the Squash Wales initiative, 2024 Summer of Squash.

This national initaitive is designed to encourage young people between the ages of 6 and 12 years to keep active during the holiday period by trying squash. They will learn new skills and make new friends and, we hope, may wish to continue their development at the Squash Club !

With help and guidance from our Club coaches, the sessions will take place each Wednesday morning, between 10.30 and 12.00, starting on 24th July through to 28th August.

If any member knows a junior who may be interested in trying squash, please register them using the QR Code on the flyer (right).


Tom excels at Wolverhampton


Congratulations to Club member Tom Willis on his Runner-up place at the recent 2024 Wolverhampton Junior Open.

Playing in a tough Under 19s Event, this was a great personal outcome for Tom.

Tom's brother Ethan played in the Under 17s Event where he finished in Third Place; congratulations to them both.


Tom is Runner-Up in Wolverhampton.


Jamie going Dutch in July


The season continued for young Jamie Silvester who headed to Amsterdam, taking part in the 2024 Dutch Junior Open, from 4th to 7th July.

Jamie was drawn in the Boys Under 19s catergory, where he faced some stiff competition.

Jamie still has a number of personal goals to achieve as a junior, in particular his sights are set on taking part this year in the Welsh (Open & Closed), the British (Open & Closed), together with possibly the French, Irish and Scottish Open Championships.

The Club wished Jamie the very best of luck.

UPDATE - in the very strong under 19s event, Jamie finished in 33rd place but gained a lot from the superb experience.


June 2024

Salah wins in Portugal


Huge congratulations to Club member Salah Farrag on his win at the 2024 Portuguese Junior Open over the weekend 21-23 June.

This is a brilliant European event win for Salah on taking the Boys Under 13s Title.


Salah is Portugese Champion.


Congratulations to Erin and Leon


Huge congratulations to Sister and Brother Erin and Leon Lauder on being presented with their Welsh Caps at the Squash Wales Annual Presentation Evening on 14 June in Cardiff.

It is a great achievement by these members of the SW Academy Squad (North), who travel from west Wales to train weekly at the Squash Club.


Welsh Caps presented to Erin & Leon


Academy Squad Training Day


On 9 June, Squash Wales held their Academy Squad [North] Training Day at the Club.

Both groups attended for separate sessions, in the company of Welsh National Junior Coach, Greg Tippings.


SW Academy Training Day with Greg


Re-start for Academy Squad [North]


Thanks to Squash Wales, the 2023-24 season has been extended and our regular Tuesday Squash Wales Academy sessions will now continue thorough to the Schools Summer Holidays; the final session is now scheduled for Tuesday, 16 July.


Jamie's in charge !


May 2024

Juniors Season almost completed


The 2023-24 season is almost complete with the final regular Tuesday Squash Wales Acedemy session taking place on 21st June.

All Academy members have, however, receievd an invitation to attend two further daytime sessions - at the Club on 29 May and 9 June.

The Club's Monday evening Junior Coaching sessions will continue through to the schools finishing for the Summer holidays


Final session !


April 2024

Racketball !


Our juniors have started to enjoy playing racketball as part of their regular Monday coaching.

The Saturday morning ladies squash session also includes time for racketball, at which some of our junior members also get involved; it really is a great game for everyone to play!


Junior racketball !


March 2024

Girls in Motion


Three young ladies from the Academy Squad took part in a brilliant initiative on 3 March at the National Squash Centre in Manchester.

Anna Fogarty, Jessica Handley and Erin Lauder took part in the Girls in Motion event, organised by England Squash, dedicated to junior girl squash players (aged 5 to 17) of all abilities across the North West.

Over 50 girls attended and they took part in a range of court based activities, including the chance to play on the all-glass court. A great time was had by all.


On the all-glass court


Taking a breather !


February 2024

Ethan is a Welsh Champion


Huge congratulations to Ethan Willis on becoming the 2024 Welsh Under 15s Champion at the 2024 Karakal Welsh Junior Closed in Cardiff on 11 February, beating Reuben James Davis by 3-2 in a superb Final.

UPDATE - Tom Willis finished in 6th place in the Boys Under 17s event and Jamie Silvester, 5th place in the Boys Under 19s.
We wish Academy player, Leon Lauder a speedy recovery after having to retire from his Under 13s Final.


Our Welsh U15s Champion


Welsh Junior Closed for three


Best of luck to three of our juniors at the 2024 Welsh Junior Closed in Cardiff over the weekend 10-11 February.

Brothers, Tom and Ethan Willis, together with Jamie Silvester, travel to what should be a prestigious event in the juniors calendar.


January 2024

Jamie wins in Manchester


Congratulations to Jamie Silvester on his success at the England Squash Silver Event (North) in the South Manchester Open - Boys U19 category held between 26 - 28 January.

This is a huge lift to Jamie and underlines his continuing development.


Academy restarts, but we'll miss one soon !


The second half of the season started on 9 January for the Squash Wales Academy (North) Squad.

We would soon lose one of our regular junior players, Lainey, and her family were to emigrate to Tasmania, Australia later on 23 January.

The Squash Club wishes the family well and hope that Lainey finds a local Club and continues to develop her squash skills.


Academy First Group


Off across the world


November 2023

Ethan to play at Inter Counties


Congratulations to Ethan Willis on his selection to the South Wales Under 17s Team (there's no team from North Wales), at East Gloucester Squash Club on 12 November; we wish him well for an enjoyable and successful day.


October 2023

Ethan at Under 17s National Squad


Club member, Ethan Willis spent the weekend 30 September / 1 October in Cardiff as part of the National Under 17s Squad , training hard with real progress made across the group.
Our congratulations to Ethan who, we know, is enjoying his time in this elite squad.


Eye Protection - our Policy


It is important that all members, parents and juniors understand the Club's approach to Eye Protection - a policy which is also adopted by Squash Wales.

To view our policy, please click on either the link below or the graphic (right).


Eye Protection - our Policy


Child Safety & Equity


The Squash Club fully supports and welcomes the work of its National Governing Body, Squash Wales in the area of Child Safety and, as such, members and parents may be interested to see their Policy & Procedures in Squash Impementation Plan (July 2013) -

"Child Safety - Our Priority"


Equality / Equity Policy


The Wrexham Brymbo Squash Club Committee is keen to ensure all matters within the Club are treated with respect and fairness and, as such, have formally acknowledged and adopted the Squash Wales Model Equality / Equity Policy.


To view the Equality / Equity Policy, click on the link -

Equality / Equity Policy


Acceptable Behaviour ....


Finally, all are reminded about the Club's Acceptable Behaviour Code for our Junior Members; this is particularly important when a Junior is selected to represent our Club in a match or at a Squash Wales Training Squad.


Acceptable Behaviour Code for all Junior Members





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