Membership Page
We welcome new members to the Club.
If you are interested in joining us, but do not know an existing member who is able to introduce you to the Club, then please contact us directly. We will be happy to meet you and to show you around (bring your kit and you could have a game !).
Wrexham Brymbo Squash Club is a voluntary Club, run by its members.
Our membership subscription is due annually, on 1st June, and we believe it constitutes good value for the amenities that we enjoy.
Fees are set at the Club's AGM, usually held in May.
To encourage play, we offer a discounted membership rate for one or more juniors in a family, as well as a Family membership.
Junior membership also applies to all students in full time education or training.
Squash Club clothing - now available
We're pleased to advise that a full range of Club clothing is available to view and purchase from our partner - 305
Please visit their site via the following link:
Squash Club clothing range
Why play Squash ?
Here are five good reasons ...
1. YOU BURN CALORIES Playing Squash you can burn between 600-900 calories in an hour!
2. HELPS MUSCLE, BONE & CARTILAGE HEALTH Squash is well known for its quick bursts of movement, rapid stops and change of direction. Done properly (with attention to good warm-up, warm-down and stretching techniques) such movements introduce an amount of stress on your muscles, bones and cartilage which will lead to a desired increase in strength, stability and reduce your chances of future injury. However, as with most sports, appropriate precautions must be taken.
3. IT IMPROVES YOUR STAMINA Squash (and Racketball) are superb aerobic exercises.
4. IT WILL IMPROVE YOUR BRAIN Thinking quickly under pressure, analysing your game and your opponent's strengths and weaknesses - Squash may be described as "physical Chess".
5. ANYONE CAN PLAY ! Squash does not discriminate - strength and size aren't the most important factors in this game ... but, being able to think on your feet, hit a ball well, judge your opponent and vary your tactics are essential qualities!
But, don't just take our word for it ...
The top ten healthiest sports
Joining the Club
A strict condition of membership must be that everyone agrees to adhere to the rules of the Squash Club (and Sports & Social Club), as identified within the Constitution.
Our Constitution
Our Club year is from 1st June each year until the end of the following May, this is in-line with the Sports & Social Complex year.
Membership is currently open to adults and juniors / students (as well as Family memberships); a completed application form will need to be submitted to the Club Secretary.
Membership of the Squash Club automatically includes membership for use of the Sports Complex' Bar area.
Application Form, for both new and existing members (no increases from last year):
Download an Application Form
Fees from June 2024:
Renewal rate:
£80 for Senior. £30 for Juniors / Students (in full time education or training). £100 for a Family (two adults and children).
New Member rate:
£90 for Senior. £40 for Juniors / Students (in full time education or training). £110 for a Family (two adults and children).
Light Cards from June 2024:
The Club operates a light card system which, for £3.00, provides players with a 45 minute court session. Light Cards may be purchased from behind the bar in the Sports Club, during opening hours.
Equality / Equity Policy:
The Wrexham Brymbo Squash Club Committee is keen to ensure all matters within the Club are treated with respect and fairness and, as such, we have formally acknowledged and adopted the Squash Wales Model Equality / Equity Policy.
To view the Equality / Equity Policy, click on the link -
Equality / Equity Policy